Good Housekeeping


Good Housekeeping: 413 v1, 413 v2, 413 v3
tuned hotel radio, hotel pillow, New Orleans, June 2017

For Ace Hotel New Orleans' Artists in Residence program I tuned my room's radio to a static station and wrapped it inside a pillow to muffle reception. The instrument was placed in different locations in the room, producing different pops, clicks and tones. Recordings were made with a Zoom H1 Handy Recorder.

413 v1
Ben Sisto
413 v2
Ben Sisto
413 v3
Ben Sisto



WARNING: This page contains a lot of flashing lights and bright colors after the scroll.

1x1x216 is a single-pixel animation which scrolls through the original 216 web safe colors. Below, the pixel is set to stretch and fill the width of various containers on Squarespace. As each instance of the gif is loaded at a different time, displaying multiple instances of it will create unique flashing patterns that reflect the viewer’s internet connection / browser speed. Scroll down to view it a few ways; refresh and see if your patterns change.
